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Frictiolab: Bienvenue

Micro-torque measurement dedicated to production
This device makes it possible to perform any type of rotating cycle with the possibility of measuring the value of the applied torque.
A special software interface makes it possible to carry out all measurements and production controls related to micro-couples.
Frictiolab: Bienvenue

The motorized upper part is placed on a manual vertical slide to engage the driving tool.

A stop (adjustable) limits the travel of the drive head. The lower part with sensor system is designed to receive measurements specific to the mechanical assemblies to be measured.

A vision device enables the user to engage the training tool precisely.

The touch screen allows the operator to launch previously edited programmes.

The test result is binary OK/KO. It is displayed directly at the end of the cycle with the measured values:
Couple Mini
Couple Maxi
Average Torque
Delta of measurement

The result and values can be exported in txt format on ERP system, GPAO.

The dedicated software allows you to create different cycles in a completely modular and intuitive way. Programming is done via a PC without software installation.

Clockwise and counterclockwise
Rotation speed with a range between 0. 1 and 60 revolutions per minute
Can be controlled in number of turns
Steerable in torque value to be reached
Repetition of subprogrammes in a main programme
Timing: pause or hold in position at a given angle, number of turns or torque
Sensor 5 mNm (500 g. mm): 5 uNm (0. 5 g. mm)
Sensor 20 mNm (2000 g. mm): 0. 02mNm (2g. mm)
Angular accuracy: ±0. 05
Rotation speed: ±0. 04%
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