Inspection of torque screwdrivers

This product guarantees easy use for measuring and controlling torque of torque wrenches.
The special design allows the user to manually reproduce the actuating torque of the screwdrivers under the same conditions as on his workbench.

Intuitive interface
Graph display of measured values (Torque [mNm] versus time [s])
Automatic scaling
Real-time display of torque level with colour change when passing predefined thresholds
Display of the applied torque on the sensor
Absolute torque of maximum peak
Absolute peak torque min
Average torque of all peaks
Recording of cycles
Predefined mini and maxi thresholds

Ease of use
A Z slide allows quick adaptation of any type of torque screwdriver.
The aluminium body can accommodate the following sensors:
+ 20 mNm (accuracy ± 0. 02 mNm)
+ 50 mNm (accuracy ± 0. 05 mNm)
+ 100 mNm (accuracy of ±0. 10 mNm